Monday, 25 March 2013

BJP 2013 March ~ Ta-dah

In our garden on March the first, St. David's Day, there are always the first few daffodils to be seen.

I just needed to work out how to make a daffodil trumpet.

The first ones were too thin, too tall and too fat.

But one was just right.

Ready to take centre stage on my leaf.

Next was beading around the centre.

I love the way things evolve and the half circle fans that appeared just seemed to fit so well.

The view from the side shows the daffodil trumpets off.

And finally my finished leaf is a celebration of my Welsh roots. I am scrap booking my family history and I am now back to around the 1750's. I love solving the puzzles and finding out about the stories of my ancestors lives and although I was born in England and my husband and children are English I still find myself cheering on the Welsh rugby team just as I did as a child with my Welsh parents.


  1. Superb! I love encrusted beading and yours is delightful. The central daff is simple (I don't mean easy!), but so effective. Your leaves remind me of King Alfred's jewel (at the Ashmolean I think). I'm deep into family history too - housework comes a very poor 3rd! Please would you post Jan Feb March together so we can see how your leaves complement each other.

  2. WOW!! and WOW again!! Your leaf is fantastic!!!! I love reading what others are doing...genealogy is a wonderful endeavor!! I am dong a "Memory Monday" series on my blog with old pictures...and have thoroughly enjoyed going back to my have my daughters been enjoying hearing about things they did not know about ol' Mom!! And again....I think your leaf is just fabulous!!! One of my favorites!

  3. The daffodils are exactly right! And they make me very anxious for spring...we're still weeks away here.

  4. I totally love your (Welsh) leaf!

  5. Evanna, this is spectacular. I'm falling way behind this year...I hope to catch up in the summer.
